Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ribbon Chain - 5 1/2 weeks out

So the other weekend I finally put together the ribbon chain I will wear during the remainder of my training and on the walk. It contains the names of all the people I have been asked to walk for. So far, there are 26 names on the ribbon chain. If you know of someone I should add who has survived a battle with breast cancer, who is currently battling breast cancer or who has lost their battle with breast cancer that you would like me to carry with me, please just email me their name. It does not matter if you have made a donation to the walk or not. These people and their connection with you are the reason I am walking.

Fundraising: $25.00 Total: $4,432.00

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Send Me a Letter of Encouragement

There’s nothing like a letter from a loved one to inspire me to keep going. You can write a letter to me, which Komen will deliver to me on the event at the 3-Day for the Cure Camp Post Office. I would LOVE to get mail from you!  Please be sure to have it postmarked by November 9th to ensure it gets to me!

Send letters to:
3-Day for the Cure PO
P.O. Box 721237
San Diego, CA 92172
Envelopes only, please. No boxes or large packages. Mail must be postmarked no later than November 9 in order to ensure delivery at the 3-Day for the Cure Camp Post Office. This address is not the actual location of camp, but a PO Box for mail delivery only.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

7 Weeks Out

Last Monday, I had the pleasure of getting to hear Nancy Brinker, the founder of Susan G. Komen, speak at a book signing event, promoting her new book, Promise Me.  She is an inspiring woman and a wonderful speaker.  I had her sign my copy of the book to both myself and my daughter.

I was once again reminded why I am doing this walk.  A few days ago, I got a rather large donation to honor a woman who recently lost her battle with breast cancer.  She left a husband and three small children behind (not to mention the countless extended family and friends she undoubtedly had).  I don't know this family personally, but I weep openly when I think of what they have endured.  This was not her first fight with breast cancer.  It was her third.  The emotions this situation stirred up for me have reinvigorated my sense of why I am doing this.

I did a longer walk on Sunday, and my foot started acting up again, but it was fine today when I did a shorter walk.  I will walk as much as I can on the event.  I can hardly believe that there are only 7 weeks to go!

Training: 3 miles in 1 hour on treadmill
Total miles to date: 263.1

Training 6.4 miles in 2 hours 27 minutes
Total miles to date: 260.1

Fundraising: $407 Total: $4,407.00

Training 5.4 miles on treadmill in 1 hour 37 minutes
Total miles to date: 253.7

Training 4.2 miles on treadmill in 1 hour 20 minutes
Total miles to date: 248.3